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David Steuber
State Procurement Administrator

[email protected] | 602.622.6517

David Steuber serves as the State Procurement Administrator and Assistant Director of the State Procurement Office for the Arizona Department of Administration. David is the State’s central procurement authority and is responsible for the authorization, oversight, and management of the contracting and purchasing activities of the State. Prior to joining ADOA, David served as the Chief Procurement Officer of the Arizona Department of Economic Security, the State’s largest agency. Prior to that he served in multiple roles leading and performing business, financial, and operations functions of various Arizona Department of Economic Security divisions.

David holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas and lives in Phoenix with his wife and three young children. 

Message from the Director

State Procurement Office

State Procurement Office

602-542-5511 | [email protected]

APP Help Desk Support

[email protected]

Cooperative Program

[email protected]

Public Records Request

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Louis Anaya
Deputy Assistant Director
Rene Uliassi
Renee Uliassi
Deputy Assistant Director
Guy Mauro
Guy Mauro
Sr Manager of Operations and eProcurement
kim shelley
Kim Shelley
Sr. Compliance and Training Manager
John Red Horse
John Red Horse
Senior Procurement Manager (Technology Group)
Ken Sanchez
Ken Sanchez
Senior Procurement Manager (EPS Group)
Kelvin Ong
Kelvin Ong
Senior Procurement Manager (Commodities Group)
Amber Whitney
Amber Whitney
Senior Procurement Manager & Cooperative Program Manager
Alicia Pollard
Executive Assistant

Compliance and Training

John Jimenez
John Jimenez
Chief Learning Officer
Sullynna Mvula
Sullynna Mvula
APP Training Manager
Miguel Caro Mateus
Miguel Caro Mateus
Statewide Compliance Manager
Jennifer Calimag
Jennifer Calimag
Statewide Compliance Manager
Joyann George
Joyann George
Statewide Compliance Manager
Rowan Bittner
Statewide Compliance Analyst


Jim Atkins
Jim Atkins
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Eric Bell
Eric Bell
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Michael Hillebrand
Michael Hillebrand
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Larry Woo
Larry Woo
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Ingrid Arnott
Ingrid Arnott
Procurement Analyst Statewide

Physical Commodities

Selena Leon
Selena Leon
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Bryanna Robles
Bryanna Robles
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Ashley Anderson
Ashley Anderson
Procurement Analyst Statewide

Professional Services

Simon Alvarez
Simon Alvarez
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Francine Whittington
Francine Whittington
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Stephanie Stevens
Stephanie Stevens
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Curtis Rohlfs
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Danielle Carley
Danielle Carley
Procurement Analyst Statewide


David Strayer
David Strayer
Procurement Specialist
Julia Ladner
Co-Op Procurement Specialist
Michael Buss
Michael Buss
Procurement Intern
Tej Mistry
Tej Mistry
Procurement Intern
Angel Gutierrez
Angel Gutierrez
Procurement Intern

Enterprise Procurement Services for Limited Agencies, Boards, and Commissions

Yanneth Montes
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Paul Evans
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Niki Large
Niki Large
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Charles Schmidt
Charles Schmidt
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Shawnesy Summers.
Shawnesy Summers
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Karen Stallings
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Connie Rollins.
Connie Rollins
Procurement Analyst Statewide
Arthur Garcia_Headshot
Arthur Garcia
Procurement Analyst Statewide

Arizona Procurement Portal (APP) Team

Gloria Fielding
Gloria Fielding
Procurement Specialist
Nick Ibarra
Service Desk Supervisor
Theresa G
Theresa Green
Quality Assurance Analyst Sr.
Miguel H
Miguel Hernandez
Quality Assurance Analyst
Henry Vo
Henry Vo
Quality Assurance Analyst
Jake K
Jake Kutak
Service Desk Analyst Sr.
Brandon Keyes
Brandon Keyes
Service Desk Analyst Sr.
Angel H
Angel Hernandez
Service Desk Analyst
Robert Q Headshot
Robert Quinsler
Service Desk Analyst
Tyler M Headshot
Tyler Mercado
Service Desk Analyst

The state of Arizona utilizes the Arizona Procurement Portal (APP) as the E- Procurement system for suppliers and state agencies to conduct procurement business.

Frequently Asked Questions

APP Support

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The Arizona Cooperative Program allows political subdivisions and non-profit organizations to utilize state contracts to find the goods and services they need.

Register or Renew Membership

How to Purchase Off Of State Contracts

Search Cooperative Contracts

Our suppliers have many resources to interact with the State Procurement Office. Find support for APP, register as a supplier, learn about state business and more.

Procurement Process

How to do Business with the State


Usage Reporting

There are over 120 State Agencies, Boards, and Commissions see our relevant links below and If you are from a state agency be sure to visit our new intranet.

Procurement Process

SPO Intranet Website

Our Team & Directory